cancelation policy

We completely understand that things come up that are out of our control. Although we hope we never have to use it, for the protection of my business and respect for our clients we have the following policy in place:
If an appointment is canceled with less than 48 hours notice three times, that guest will be required to put down a deposit to secure the appointment time and day. If the appointment is kept the deposit will be put towards services received that day.
Thank you so much for your respect and understanding!
Some stylists may require deposits to schedule certain appointments. If you'd like more information call or text
330 998 0763
late policy
Traffic, bad weather and life's curve balls happen, we totally get it! Every once in a while is acceptable, however habitually late appointments can cause challenges in the salon. Our individual schedules are based on what we as stylists can realistically achieve in the given amount of time for a specific service so if one guest is late by even 5 minutes this can throw off the schedule for the remainder of the day. Therefore out of respect for our clients and our schedules we reserve the right to enforce an additional charge for each minute a client is late (up to 10 minutes) to their scheduled appointment based on history of consistent tardiness. If a client is 15 minutes late or more we will have to reschedule your appointment
We thank you so much for your understanding!